Gunnar Madsen | MCMGM


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Amphibian Shake

Amphibian Shake – Gunnar Madsen (feat. MCMGM)  A Delhi-flavored pumphouse of energy and whooshing soundscapes While the world spins on its axis and we all hold on to keep from being thrown off, I continue …

Push Pull

PUSH PULL  – Gunnar Madsen (feat. MCMGM)  IDM/EDM YOUTUBE MUSIC VIDEO Life at home… Life is pushing and pulling me in ways I never expected.  I’m busy helping my family.  My mother is in her …


What’s a musician to do in a pandemic?  Inward, grasshopper, go inward.  What lurks in the unreachable inner regions?  Rhythm, reptilian motion, electrical impulses. What are you talking about? Electronica, IDM, Jazztronica. How do I …

When I was 14

I was 14 when my older sister (17) got a job as a nanny in Wyoming and was gone for the whole summer. Her room in our home in Palo Alto was a 6×6 foot …

Made in America Week

Hey, it’s me – I’m made in America!  Granted, I contain a lot of foreign parts, but they were imported decades ago, back when foreigners were allowed in.  I’m American!  It’s Made in America Week! …

Goodbye, Dad

The Power of a Hat by Gunnar Madsen After a long decline into Alzheimer’s, my dad passed away on Wednesday.  Peacefully.  As a young man he was incredibly dynamic.  In middle to older age he …

Travels in Japan

  I’ve long had a fascination with Japan.  My very first tape recorder was from there, as was my first transistor radio.  So what?  No, for a boy in the early 1960’s obsessed with music …

Shaggs Time in NYC

Dear friends, I’ve been meaning to write for the longest time, but I’ve been consumed with preparations for the Off-Broadway production of “The Shaggs: Philosophy of the World”. There’s not only a ton of work …

Listening for Grammys

It’s the nominating season for the Grammy Awards. In the mailboxes of recording academy members like myself, CDs are arriving in droves, hungry to be considered worthy of nomination in their respective categories. (My own …

I’m Alive!!!

I’m alive, baby. I’m vibrating at ultra-high frequencies, even. Below are 4 reasons why you haven’t heard from me lately: 1. Rewrite of The Shaggs: Philosophy of the World for another reading at Playwright’s Horizons …

Happy New Year

Here’s a note of thanks for the year just past. Thanks for a son who is insatiably curious and who has a fantastic sense of humor. Thanks for a partner who also has a fantastic …

Jobs I’ve Had

I find it reassuring when I read of someone successful that I admire, and find that they’ve had a series of ‘normal’ jobs and lived a pretty much ‘normal’ life before they found their success. …

Dads in Uniforms

Coming from the library the other day I passed by our local uniform store. Pleated, boring cotton/poly blend workclothes and uniforms were awkwardly displayed behind barred windows. And I suddenly felt comforted. Comforted? I’ve always …

What is Jazz?

I was in the drugstore a few weeks ago, picking up a prescription. While I was waiting a young pharmacist, a guy in his early 20’s, was telling a co-worker about Harvey Mason’s drumming on …

Novelty? No thanks.

Novelty songs. I generally don’t like them. Yet I do like humor in music. Obviously. (see “The Bobs” or my family music) But just because I end up writing humorous songs sometimes, I don’t really …

Haruki Murakami

There’s a novelist whose invention and soul and style I am so in love with: Haruki Murakami. His is the kind of writing that I’d like to think I would do if I were a …

I’m Crowing

I’ve had a few days of being hectored and cawed at by nervous, anxious parental crows. Their fledgling disappeared the day after it was found here, and the Mom and Dad have kept a hawk-like …

Crows in my Yard

This morning there’s a pair of crows cawing raucously all around my studio. Here’s why… As I was about to open the door to my back stoop yesterday morning, I noticed a small crow sitting …

Too Good for Kids?

I just had a little email conversation with Bill Harley, about a comment he received after a recent concert. The person told him “You’re too good to sing for kids.” Well, that’s a nice compliment …