Gunnar Madsen | MCMGM

I’m a Little Twerp

I’m a little twerp
I’m a little twerp
I’m a little twerp
And I’m messin’ around in your hair

I like to steal your chewing gum
I like to break your pencils
In class I make you giggle so
You’ll get in trouble with Mrs. Grentzels

I like to laugh when you make mistakes
When we play a game, I win
You always say I cheat
And I always rub it in

I’m a little twerp
And I’m messin’ around in your hair

I’ll rat on you to mom and dad
I’ll get dessert when you don’t
When I’ve cleaned my room and mowed the lawn
I’ll go to the movies–You won’t

I’m a little twerp
And I’m messin’ around in your hair

I pinch your arm and pull your pigtail
I ride your bike without permission
And when you try to get back at me
I disappear like a magician

‘Cause I’m a little twerp
And I’m messin’ around in your hair

© 1991 Gunnar Madsen All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Mop Mop Music ASCAP

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